Sasha Grey Porn Videos

Sasha Grey
Sasha Grey

AKA: Sasha Grey

Sasha Grey (born Marina Ann Hantzis on March 14, 1988 in North Highlands, California) is an American former porno star, who has turned to mainstream acting, modeling and music. She graduated from school aged 17 and began studying acting, singing and dancing in college. By 2005 she started thinking about pornography as a career opportunity. She always wanted to express her sexuality and huge appetite for sex and self-exploration, pushing her own barriers so she thought it would be great for her. She also wanted to bring something new to the industry and finally made her decision of going porn in October 2005. In 2006, after working as a...Show More

  • Born March 14, 1988
  • Height 1,68 m
  • Weight 50 kg
  • Birthplace Los Angeles, United States of America
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Sasha Grey deepthroat queen Sasha Grey deepthroat queen
Mar 21, 2014