Zoey Holloway Porn Videos
Zoey Holloway
AKA: Tina Marie Thurston
Tall, leggy, and shapely brunette stunner Zoey Holloway was born Tina Thurston on November 27, 1966 in Los Angeles, California. Zoey had a very rough go of it as a kid: She was not only sexually abused by two different stepfathers, but also grew up primarily in the California state foster care system and got pregnant at age 19. Holloway had an assortment of jobs - a bookkeeper in retail in Utah, cocktail waitress, dancing in topless clubs for three years in both San Francisco, California and Las Vegas, Nevada; telemarketing, working at a massage parlor in Los Angeles, and working at health spas in both Napa and San Rafael, California as well...Show More
- Born November 27, 1966
- Height 5 ft 8 in (175 cm)
- Weight 141 lbs (64 kg)
- Birthplace Los Angeles, United States
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